Mimir Features
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Mimir uses the same contracts as Safe
All basic features available in Safe can also be implemented in Mimir, with the added capability of loading various types of Modules.
Interaction between multisig accounts and third-party applications is a core feature of Safe, facilitated through the Safe SDK and WalletConnect. Mimir is already compatible with the Safe SDK, so applications that have integrated the Safe SDK need no additional changes.For applications not yet adapted to the Safe SDK, a one-time adaptation will allow them to support both Safe and Mimir. Furthermore, you can use WalletConnect to interact with third-party applications.
Mimir continues to support complex multisig capabilities. For enterprises, institutions, DAOs, etc., that might use multisig accounts as members of other multisig accounts, Mimir allows for seamless operation. Users only need to select their account for signing without using WalletConnect to log into Mimir for signatures within complex account structures.
A key feature of MPC wallets is the flexible setting of Policy Rules to grant or restrict specific privileges for certain members, Mimir introduces this into multisig account. This functionality significantly enhances the efficiency and security of enterprise fund management.Currently, we offer two rules:
Easy Expense: Allows flexible spending without multi-signatures.
Recovery: Helps recover accounts during emergencies.
In the future, we will provide more practical features such as multisig weights and tiered thresholds.
Mimir can consolidate multiple approval transactions into a single transaction, regardless of account hierarchy and complexity, significantly reducing transaction costs.