Initiate Transactions
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When users execute any on-chain operations with a multisig identity, the process follows the flow of initiating the transaction, approving the transaction, and then executing the transaction.
Let’s take transferring as an example.
In the Transfer Dapp, we use a multisig account to transfer 0.01 ETH to a single-signature account. Click the submit button to enter the transaction initiation page.
On the transaction initiation page, you will see the following information:
Sending From: The initiator of the transaction, usually the multisig wallet.
Interact With: The contract being interacted with. For native token transfers, this will show the recipient's address.
Transaction Details: Details of the transaction, including relevant parameters.
Safety Check: We have integrated some third-party applications to help you assess the security of the transaction.
Simulation: We use Tenderly to simulate the transaction, helping you check if the transaction can be executed smoothly and how it will affect the account’s assets if successful.
Risk: We use Redefine to monitor transaction risk activities, helping you identify financial or fraud risks associated with this transaction.
Signer: Defaults to your current address. If your multisig account is a nested multisig and the current address appears in multiple layers, you can choose the layer you wish to use.
Nonce: Multisig account transactions follow a sequential order. We will recommend some options, but you can modify them according to your needs.
Next Execute: Selecting Next Execute will place the transaction at the top of the queue.
In Order: Selecting In Order will place the transaction after the one with the highest nonce in the queue.
You can also manually enter an existing transaction nonce, but this will cause the transaction under that nonce to be discarded.